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Maqtoload Framework 4. Behavior activities Microsoft office 2013 mawtoload free for printing. EXE for commands execution OInstall. Static information Add for printing. Video and screenshots Add for printing. All screenshots are available in the full report.

Processes Add for printing. Total processes. Behavior graph Click at the process miicrosoft see the details. Specs description Program did not start Low-level access to the HDD Process was mawtoloda to the startup Debug information is available Probably Tor was used Behavior similar to spam Task has injected processes Executable file was dropped Known threat RAM overrun Adobe pro dc delete blank pages attacks were detected Integrity level elevation Connects to the mawtolowd CPU overrun Process starts the services System was rebooted Task contains several apps running Application downloaded the executable file Actions similar to stealing mixrosoft data Task has apps ended with an error File is detected by antivirus software Inspected object has suspicious PE structure Behavior similar to exploiting the vulnerability Task contains an error or was rebooted The process has the malware config.

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